Pastor Mike
I was nine years old in Detroit Michigan, 1964. My mom was married to George, my step-father. He was a devout Catholic fellow. My mom from a down to earth Baptist family. I had diverse religious influences rolling around in my head. I was diligent in reading the Bible as I just naturally accepted the Bible as God’s word. One day, reading the Bible, Genesis, it occurred to me. Why would a Hebrew book have a Latin title like Genesis, exodus? I asked my devout Catholic step-father. He directed me to Bible commentaries at the local library.
It was at that library, the Detroit Montieth public library, that I soaked in knowledge of the Bible through many commentaries. While other kids were out playing football, baseball. Kick the can, this nerd was spending time being fascinated by what I learned regarding the Bible.
And I continue to be fascinated yet today.
In 1969, I am 13, almost 14, I attend a revival service of the Four-Square Gospel church. Sister Catherine was the revivalist.
You remember that Neil Diamond song from that time period “Brother Love’s traveling salvation show”? That’s kinda what this was like.
I attended, sat front row. At some point in my diligent attendance, Sister Catherine invited me to hop on stage and offer prayer. Later, she invited me to prepare a short message. That summer she took me along on her traveling salvation show to preach short messages.
When I was fifteen years of age I was writing to seminary professors requesting their syllabi so that I may know which credible books to read about the Bible.
Between my commentary reading and the invitation to preach, it took hold. It was a calling if anybody ever had one…to preach and teach, to give the sense of the meaning of God’s Holy Word, like the Levites in Nehemiah 8:8
They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read.